Java Program to Find Factorial of a Number

Java Program to Find Factorial of a Number 

Example of factorial of a number___     5:  1*2*3*4*= 120


import java.util.*;
class Factorial
public static void main() 
Scanner Sc=new Scanner(;                    
System.out.println(“Enter  the number to print the factorial”);                                       
int n=Sc.nextInt();                                                                                                            
int p=1;                                                                            
for(int i=n;i>=1;i- -)                                                                                                                               
System.out.println(“The factorial is “+p);
} } }

Output: Enter the number to print its factorial     10 
The factorial is 3628800


Just copy paste the code into the class file of Bluej compiler. Change the class name according to your's. 

Thanks for visting Programming in JAVA

Happy Coding !!

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