A bank offers the following rate of interest for fixed deposit: Time(Years) Rate(%) < 1 9.0 1 to 2 10.0 2 to 3 11.0 > 3 12.0 WAP to accept deposited amount(P), number of years(n) the amount is deposited for and compute the accrued amount for an investor.

import java. util.*;
class  Bank
public static void main()                                                               
Scanner Sc=new Scanner(System.in);  
System.out.println(“Enter principal amount and the time period”); 
double pa=Sc.nextDouble();                                                                                                                     int t=Sc.nextInt();      
double r=0;                                                                                                                                     
{ r=9.0;}                                                                                                                                          
else if(t>=1&&t<2)                                                                                                                   
{ r=10.0;}                                                              
else if(t>=2&&t<=3)  
else if(t>3)                            
{ r=12.0;} 
double a=p*(Math.pow(t,(1+r/100)));                                                                                                        {
System.out.println(“The accrued amount is “+a);
}  }  }
Output:  Enter principal amount and the time period 
The accrued amount is 1100

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