The pension rule of a certain country states that a man receives Rs.50/- a week if he is over 65 years and an extra Rs.20/- if he is over 70 years. A woman receives Rs.45/- a week if she is over 60 years and extra Rs.25/- if she is over 65 years.WAP which takes the sex(M for male, F for female) and age of the person as input print out the amount of weekly pension they would get. If a person is below the pensionable age,a suitable message must be printed.

import java. util.*;
public static void main()
Scanner Sc=new Scanner(;                                                
System.out.println(“Enter the sex of the person and age ”);                                                        
String  sex=Sc.nextLine(); int pen;                                                    
int age=Sc.nextInt();                                                                                if(sex.equals”Male”&&age>65&&age<=70)                                                                          
{p=50;}                                                                                                                                    if(sex.equals”Male”&&age>70)                                                                                        
{pen=70;}                                                 if(sex.equals”Female”&&age>60&&age<=65)                                                                                                    {pen=45;}                                                   if(sex.equals”Female”&&age>65)                                                                                                                            {pen=70;}                                 if(sex.equals”Male”&&age<65)                                                                                                         {System.out.println(“No pension will be given”);
if(sex.equals”Female”&&age<60)                                                                                                     {System.out.println(“No pension will be given”);}                                                                    {System.out.println(“Sex “+sex);}                                                                                                   {System.out.println(“Age “+age);}        
{System.out.println(“Pension given “+pen);}  }  }
Output: Enter the sex   Male
 Enter your age      68  
Sex  Male            
Age   68      
Pension given 65

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