What is Object-oriented programming(OOP)?

What is Object Oriented Programming?

What is Object-oriented programming(OOP)Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is an approach where data or objects are organised in a program.In this case, programmers develop data type and data structures along with the assignment of operators for those data types. It has been adopted to overcome the traditional approach of programming and to increase the efficiency of programmers or coders. It is a programming paradigm. It gives more emphasis on data. Data cannot flow freely between functions and between procedures. Here a entity called "objects" are used. We can define objects as a data field that has unique attributes and behavior . The data of an object can be accessed through functions which is associated only with that object. Some Object Oriented Programming Languages are JAVA, C++, Small talk, Eiffel, Simula-67 etc.

Features of Object Oriented Programming

1) Data 's which are present in a function can be easily modified using Object Oriented Programming. 2) Similar to bridges which connects two areas on two sides of river, the objects acts as bridge to have data transfer between two functions.
3) Unlike Procedure Oriented Programming which gives emphasis on functions, Object Oriented Programming gives emphasis on data items.
4) Object Oriented Programming can be used to solve complex programs as it make the program simpler by dividing it into many objects.

Basic Principles of Object Oriented Programming
 The basic principles of Object Oriented Programming are as follows-

--Objects- Objects are unique, self-contained entity which contains both data and functions in an OOP. An object uses the concept of message passing. It can send and receive data from another object.

What is Object-oriented programming(OOP)--Class-Objects with same attributes and behavior, if combined together, then it forms a class. Class defines the characteristics of objects present in it. Class can also be called as an object factory.

--Data Abstraction-Abstraction refers to the act of picking essential features with the exclusion of background details. Classes which use the property of abstraction are called abstract data type.

--Encapsulation- The wrapping up of methods as well as data into a single unit is called encapsulation.

 --Data hiding- The process by which data can be hidden from a class, although they are present in the the program, is called data hiding.

--Inheritance- Inheritance actually means "the acquired characteristics". It is an important feature of Object Oriented Programming by which objects of one class can link and share data from the objects of another class.

-- Polymorphism- It is one of the most important feature of Object Oriented Programming. By using this feature we can use a function for more than one tasks or purposes. Although the internal structure of the object changes but the external structure remains the same.

What is Object-oriented programming(OOP)--Dynamic Binding- The process of linking the function call with the function signature at the time of execution of the program or run-time is called dynamic binding.

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